2일전에 만원결제한사람인데요 남은크레딧이 3589원이고
남은 트래픽 용량은 26.59GB라는데
무엇을다쓰면 다시구매하여야하는건가요?
크레딧인가요 트래픽용량인가요?
그리고 두개의차이점과
먼저 다쓰게되는것은무엇인지…알고싶습니다
만원결제했는데 2일만에 6500원을썼다는것도놀랍고…
크레딧을결제했으면 크레딧이먼저줄면결제해야하는거같은데
트래픽용량은 넘쳐나는것같아서 트래픽용량을다쓰면 재결제해야한다고 믿고싶거든요 ㅠ
ㅠ.ㅠ Full VPN 모드를 잘못 사용하시면 이와 같은 크레딧 차감이 엄청날 수 있습니다. 그래서 항상 주의하셔야 하는데, ehgnsdldia 님도 같은 경우로 보입니다.
성에 차지 않으시겠지만 조금의 크레딧을 복구해 드렸으니 참고 바랍니다.
아 ㅠㅠ 조금이라도 더주신것에대해 감사합니다 어제 검색해서full vpn이문제인걸알고 급히바꿨어요
ㅠ.ㅠ 맞습니다. Full VPN 모드를 잘못 사용하시면 크레딧이 순식간에 증발이 되곤 합니다. 혹시나 다른 이슈 있으시면 언제든지 말씀해 주세요.
우선…제가 한게 맞는지요…해도 안되는데요
pc 랜카드 a,b가 있구요
(A) 는 공유기 연결
(B) 는 ps4 연결
그리고 a에 연결되어있는 네트워크 속성에 가서 체크 해제 되었구요
미꾸라지 네트워크 TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 에서 체크하고 네트워크 장치를 A로 했습니다. A,B 둘다 해봤구요 한참 기달려봐도 연결이 끊기네요
마지막에서 뭔가 빠진것같은데 도통 모르겠습니다… 컴터를 몰라서 머리만 아프네요 !!
Tonight same thing happens. Mudfish is used on my desktop. Without mudfish, I can open launcher without any issue. With mudfish on, I am given network error when open game launcher. At the same, my browser (firefox) on my laptop has “Problem loading page” error with “Server not found” displayed. After few minutes (around 4 minutes), everything is back to normal.
The pattern is pretty much confirmed. After I switch on mudfish, i get timeout on my browsers on different pc. But while I am in game, I won’t get disconnected. Loading Item section on mudfish also takes forever.
Lately I am getting this pop out error:
[WARN] MUDEC_00238: packet loss rate 35.9% to JP Asia (Tokyo - Azure).
Yet, I am in game fine and working.
I reconnected/re-login mudfish after 4 minutes of waiting and stable. The second time login does not have this 4 minutes wait. Can straight away open launcher and login game.
ㅠ.ㅠ 흑흑흑… 그렇군요. 현재 공유기 제품을 제가 발송해 드리고 있는데요, 구매의사가 있으실지 모르겠습니다만 참고 바랍니다.
Not sure what you mean check ISP. All I know is my ISP sucks, that’s why I am using mudfish. ^o^
As you can see at above link, it seems your ISP has a bad international peering. However to overcome your limication, only I can suggest is that you should use mudfish malaysia nodes to change your ISP to the internation cables.
> I reconnected/re-login mudfish after 4 minutes of waiting and stable. The second time login does not have this 4 minutes wait. Can straight away open launcher and login game.
Weird for me… As a test, could you please downgrade your mudfish program from current to v4.4.2 found at http://mudfish.net/releases/ link? It seems your issue could be related with RTT code changes recently made by me. Before confirmation, we need to test
Second day testing. No issue at all. Able to straight login without any error. Posting on mudfish no longer has any long time loading. Instant post.
Thank you for sending the packet dump. However did you sent this to ask registering new game? If then please explain little bit more for me about what it’s.
아 죄송합니다. 게임사 자체의 서버 문제였습니다! 해결됐습니다^^
Hi, I was finding some solution to checking IP on private game server, but did’t want to register a new game. (sorry for my writing skill, I hope you will understand what I typed. :D)