Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support in other languages.
When I checked your account status and credit balance, it seems all good.
If it’s still same, please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s the first thing you should test.
Because later I successfully processed the payment using PayPal Express for 4.99 USD, but the initial purchase of 12,000 KRW did not show as successful.
I applied for a refund through Apple, but they declined it.
What should I do?
Ooops. No problem. If you paid with Apple In-App purcharse, please tell me your transaction ID. We need it to verify your payment.
To get the transaction ID from iPhone, please check FAQ - Payments document for details.
Thank you!
@ruby430bye Thank you for this information. I’d verified your transaction and added mudfish credits into your account. Please check it again.
However if you still want to get the refund, I can’t help for your payment with Apple. Instead of it, I think I can refund your payment using Paypal Express. If you want to, please let me know.
I have seen that my mudfish credits have increased,
so I will not refund the money! Thank you for your hard work~