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결제한지 5분이 지나도 크레딧이 안들어옵니다

ㅠ.ㅠ 처리해 드렸습니다.

이 파일도 마찬가지 입니다.  먼가 Full VPN 모드가 아닌 상태에서 덤프가 진행된 것이 아닐까 합니다.  

Now 3 KRW left?

Did i configure something wrong here?

Nvm, i guess it was just to test the service, so far i’m very satisfied and increased the balance, thanks for your time

Cool! :slight_smile: I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.

Idk. How the wow client used 2 GB of my traffic balance in 3 days again?
I mean, 2 gb? 3 days? for real? Can you please check and explain me
what’s wrong here.

I highly doubt the wow client used 2 gb in 2 days honestly.

You can see now it’s even worst, i’m using more then 1 gb per day every day i’m playing?

Frankly speaking, I don’t know why but did you check ‘Status -> Access Log’ menu to see your connection logs?

It was disabled, i will update you

I use the client with firefox. I don’t use fullvpn or anything. Is it possible it’s wasting GBs from other tabs like a streaming radio i listen or other websites i read like Wowhead.com etc? For what i remember you explicitly said the only traffic used would be the one of the wow client. Am i wrong

2018-04-24My ComputerDE Europe (Germany - Linode 3)0.0/0.0 MB54.9/121.2 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB1.3/0.5 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB2018-04-24DE Europe (Germany - Linode 3) MB0.0/0.0 MB

This is the traffic of today. What do you think about it?

Even adding all those numbers the final result is 358.7 MB nowhere near 1+ gb, what is going on here?

6 GB in 9 days?

I keep checking the access log they are all similar to that destination, the wow server i guess. Question is if the traffic amount is normal, it looks a bit absurd to me. I have friends who play ff14 and their traffic usage is NOWHERE near this.

I wonder if it would be better using the subscription instead of pay per traffic but i’m not sure to understand the pricing. It’s 990 KRW to buy the item ( in my case world of warcraft, that’s the only game i need this service with) and that’s it, correct?

I think it was a good choice, WoW use way too much data, Data plan was a perfect choice for WoW users. Thanks and sorry i was going crazy here looking at the money draining down haha :slight_smile: So far i’m very satisfied of the service overall, very good ping ingame and vpn for browsing looks good too :slight_smile:

It’s 990 KRW to buy the item ( in my case world of warcraft, that’s the
only game i need this service with) and that’s it, correct?

Yes. You’re correct. If you feel that the traffic consumption looks bigger than what you expected you can change the data plan to Subscription. :slight_smile: