크레딧 사용내용 조회 해볼수있나요? 저번달에 결제하고 몇번하고 2000크레딧정도있엇는데 어제하루쓰니깐 크레딧이 -되있네요;;
:-) 별 말씀을요. http://mudfish.net/docs/ko/vpn/features/fullvpn_mode.html#id4 링크의 주의사항을 꼭 확인하셔서 Full VPN 모드 사용시 불필요하게 크레딧 소비가 없도록 주의하시면 될 듯 합니다. 혹시 다른 미꾸라지 문제 있으시면 언제든지 말씀해 주시구요.
When I checked this packet dump, it seems you connected to Japan game server. So I’d added Asia (Japan) destination. Please test it again.
fortnite japan is broken pls go check all ping over 1000
as i say originally my ping was 80-99ms
after i use mudfish just reduce 10ms…
how can i get at least 50ms?
fortnite japan is broken pls go check all ping over 1000
Is it still same?
as i say originally my ping was 80-99ms
after i use mudfish just reduce 10ms…
how can i get at least 50ms?
Are you meaning you’d like to make your ping under 50 ms from your location to JP game server? If then I think it’s impossible mission because the international submarine cable doesn’t allow it.
now normal ~another question,what destination will affect ping in game? or only node effecting ping?
and this 2 day the vpn seem like not use edi…b4 can reduce 10 ping now , totally no any help@@ can u fix it? node write connect to japan 84ping but in ggame is 90-100
what destination will affect ping in game? or only node effecting ping?
Yes. The “desitnation” is only used to show your recommended pathes and RTT calculation.
pls fix japan destination…keep 1000+ping
It seems this issue is already be solved. If not please let me know again.
this is second time happened maybe is a bug sometime good but sometime bad
Are you meaning that your ping keep 1000+ ms? When I checked the mudfish side, it seems it’s okay.
sometimes will 1000 but sometime dont
Not sure why but could you please check RTT avg and stddev values at ‘Status -> Nodes’ when this issue happens?
If you can see 1000 around values at ‘Status -> Nodes’ menu, it means there’s a packet loss between your desktop and mudfish node.