요즘들어 핑이 너무 널뛰기 하는듯 예전 미꾸라지같지 않

요즘들어 핑이 너무 널뛰기 하는듯 예전 미꾸라지같지 않군요

혹시 어떤 중계 서버를 사용하실 때 같은 증상이 보이시는지요?  만약 JP Asia (Tokyo - SakuraNet) 중계 서버를 사용하신다면      
[7692.596991] [ERROR] re16: MUDEC_00262: ODR_sendto() error to Message too long. Check your path MTU. (curmtu 1450 buflen 1440)    
오류가 미꾸라지쪽에 보이는데, 혹시 이에 대한 영향이 아닐지 모르겠군요.  먼가 좀 더 자세한 네트워크 분석이 필요해 보입니다만 우선 위 오류의 workaround 로 한번 시도해 보시고 변화가 있는지 한번 확인 바랍니다. ㅠ.ㅠ    

RTT 괜찮은데 트레픽이 0 이돼면서 접속이안돼는건 왜그런가요?

음… JP Asia (Tokyo - SakuraNet) 중계 서버를 사용할 경우 트래픽이 0 이 된다는 말씀이신가요?  트래픽이 0 이라면 미꾸라지로 트래픽이 전달이 안되고 있음을 나타냅니다.  기본 동작 여부 확인하시면 제대로 동작되고 있는 것이 맞으시죠?  

FULL VPN 모드에서도 실시간 트레픽이 0 이나오면서 접속이안돼는군요

Thank you  

물론 환불은 가능합니다만 기본 동작 여부 확인은 해보셨는지요?

http://mudfish.net/docs/ko/faq/program_common.html#id8 다음 항목을 참조부탁드립니다

Thank you for sending this problem report. :slight_smile: However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.

환불과정으로 이관해드렸습니다

처리해 드렸습니다. :slight_smile: 확인해보시고 문제가 있으시면 언제든지 답글 부탁드립니다.

When I checked this game packet, it seems you’d connected to Japan game server. :frowning: Could you confirm whether you tried to play at South Korea game server or Japan game server?

I am connected to South Korea game server.


I know but not sure why but the game client picks a japan game server instead of korea game server. :frowning: Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

Yes, it’s the same with Full VPN mode enabled. :frowning:

Umm… Which mudfish node did you pick? Are you meaning that you had picked mudfish korea nodes with Full VPN mode but it doesn’t work properly?

Yes, I picked korean nodes then activated Full VPN, and I still get 100+ ping despite it showing that it is 60 ping in RTT, i used to get pings ranging from 40-75 when it shows 60 on RTT.

:frowning: Weird… It means the game client picks the japan game server even if you’re connecting mudfish korea nodes. Does the game automatically pick the game server?

I selected Asia server, should I set it to Auto?

Nop I don’t think ‘Auto’ solves this issue. :frowning: