미꾸라지를 사용하면서 방송을 하게되면 크레딧이 게임 외 방송시 사용되는 인터넷에서도 같이 차감되는건가요?
Full VPN모드를 사용하지 않으면 IP가 바뀌지않아서 게임핑이 높아지는데 제가 설정을 잘못한건가요?? Full VPN을 사용하면 게임엔 문제가없는데 인터넷 사용시 너무 느립니다… ㅠㅠ
나의 IP를 KR로 설정하고 Play Trickster를 JP로 설정하면 게임핑이 잡히질 않습니다. Full VPN모드로 JP로 설정하면 핑이 잡히는데 인터넷을 개별로 나눠버리면 핑이 잡히질 않네요…ㅠㅠ 따로따로 설정하면 실시간 핑이 240~220에서 내려오질 않습니다…
ㅜ.ㅠ 다시 한번 시도해 보시겠어요? 제가 먼가 실수를 한 것이 아닌가 싶어 해당 부분을 수정해 보았습니다.
Full VPN 모드 사용시 대쉬보드 메인화면에는 핑이 안뜨는데 Play Trickster 아이템 안으로 들어가면 196정도로 나오고 게임 플레이에도 이상없이 양호하게 돌아갑니다.
음… 혹시 가능하시다면 게임하시는 플레이 과정을 잠깐 미꾸라지를 이용한 패킷 덤프 링크를 참조하셔서 덤프하신 후 한번 보내주시겠어요? 먼가 제대로 아이템에 문제가 있는 것인지 다시 한번 더 살펴보아야 할 듯 합니다. ㅠ.ㅠ 이상하군요.
Not familiar with these programs, so if you need some other information then please guide me, but this is the result I got with Pingplotter.
Disabling FastConnect mode did the trick. While scanning, I noticed that ping spikes would often occur. As the graph shows, the spikes could get over 200ms. I did a test with the two nodes I find the most stable at this moment. The first image is of ‘Germany - Vultr’ and the second is of ‘Germany - Aliyun’.
Those hops after hop 3 are mostly those with bad or unstable ping, but I guess we can’t do anything about it.
I think a work-around might be to fix the RTT score that kind of determines how good a node is at the moment. I tried to do a pingplotter test on serveral germany-nodes. And Linode turned out to be the best. I would never have guessed that, because the RTT score of Linode is not always the lowest compared to other nodes and the node always have 5% CPU steal or more. What I’m trying to say is that the node with lowest RTT score and no system load is not always the best. Maybe the RTT score is calculated wrong. If it’s not calculated wrong then it’s definitely a misleading score.
So I hope you could maybe create a better method to determine how good a node is at the very moment since the current method gives misleading information, at least for me.
네 똑같아요
Thank you for sending the packet dump. However could you confirm that you enabled Full VPN mode while playing the game? When I checked this game dump, I can’t see game related traffics. When you get a chance, please send me again.
Sorry for this belated response. No problem. I’d refunded it now. Thank you for interesting to Mudfish!