Unstable nodes

I’ve been playing Aion Classic NA using mudfish and i’ve been wondering why a couple of nodes (that i have used at least) which are supposed to be the ones with the lowest ping are quite unstable from time to time, the nodes are Atlanta - Ramnode and Google - Virginia both of them give around 60 and 75 ms but after some time they spike up to 300 ms is it just the quality of the nodes and there’s nothing you can do about it? Or there’s a way to fix that?

Also i’m trying the subscription mode since i got banned by NCSoft for using Mudfish although i don’t know if it actually will make a difference, any feedback you could give me regarding that?

Sorry for posting a lot of questions at once :sweat_smile:

Please check your ISP first. When I checked RTT information recorded in Mudfish, it seems RTT stddev values to most of the mudfish nodes are quite unstable. It means your ISP has a network issue. For details please check http://ko.loxch.com/userrtt/?uid=662725 link.

i checked the link, most of the nodes don’t have packet loss and the RTT stddev is between 1.5 and 0 for the ones close to me (1st picture), but i get the message saying that i have packet loss of 15% or above (don’t remember the exact words of the message) and that probably my ISP has problems, but when i do a speed test everything is working correctly:


@spart I guess that the following message was what you encountered, right?

[ERROR] MUDEC_00424: RTT stddev values are over 15% of your RTT avg to the closest mudfish nodes. Please check your ISP whether there's an issue or network congestion.

For this case, please check MUDEC_00424 error link for details.

yes, is the same message, how can i check the things suggested in this point?

  • Check your ISP or check whether you have internal QoS or firewall settings.

Frankly, it’s not easy to check this part… Even if you tried to contact to your ISP, most of customer representatives doesn’t understand your question. :frowning: So if you think that it’s from your ISP side, please allow some days until your issue is fixed.

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