Unusual Data Usage in for Final Fantasy XIV

Hello, I’ve been using mudfish for about 8 months now to play FFXIV. Today I saw that my balance dropped by a lot which is unusual since there’s no update for FFXIV yesterday and I always turn off vpn if there’s one. I’m also using the same Mudfish settings for a while so I doubt that there’s something wrong there.

Update after 2 hours of playing FFXIV.

Started from
4.89 GB to negative.

Same settings only FFXIV is enabled.

Mudfish Negative

I am having a similar problem too recently, not as drastic as the OP but it has been increasingly using more data than usual.
Today It got worse somehow and it suddenly jumped to 135 mb used after I had been online for a few minutes and just afk:ed.
No updates or anything, it really feels like there’s some ‘’ leak ‘’ somewhere and that it’s not only using FFXIV data.

Yesterday I only posted about the negative credit because the usage/traffic only reflects the next day.

Here’s my traffic usage yesterday:

That’s just after few hours of having the VPN on. Got disconnected from the game because my credits just plummeted.

@ovrcst First sorry for this inconvenience. Unfortunately, I think your issue is related to Amazon EC2, Twitch and Mudfish and CDN and Mudfish links. Please read these documents.

However, I’d reset your mudfish credits a little bit.

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Hello. So I’ve tried the things that’s listed on how to avoid these problems (Full & WFP Item Mode).

I played FFXIV yesterday and it works as usual but after playing for a few hours today the same problem occured.


Is the game client performing some kind of the background download for game patch?

When I checked your configuration, it seems you’re using WFP Item mode. So I don’t think that other internet traffics affect your mudfish credits at this point.

Nope. I make sure that the game starts first before I use mudfish and there’s also no new game patch since last month.

At this point, it’s not easy what caused this issue. If possible, please install a network monitoring tool like https://www.netlimiter.com/ and monitor your traffics.

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