Updated Routing Targets for upcoming game Blue Protocol - Japan

Hi, here I’ve compiled a list of all necessary IP blocks used by upcoming MMO「BLUE PROTOCOL」 - Japan Region,
Also attached, full details for domain names used by launcher & game server.

(IP/domain used by Anticheat Xigncode3 currently missing, and should not be going through Mudfish?)

Game link: https://blue-protocol.com
Launcher link: バンダイナムコLauncher ダウンロード

The game is set to go Live on 2023-06-14, if you could update them by then.

Thank you,

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:slight_smile: Thank you for this information. When I checked your pastebin result, it seems most of IP blocks are from Amazon AWS. I updated the game item now so you can try to test when it goes live.

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Per testing some of the Cloudfront CDN Round-robin IPs (clientpatch.aws.blue-protocol.com) for Game File download are being routed through Mudfish,

Causing Issue: Unintended High data usage for Pay-Per-Traffic users, and very Slow download speed for Subscription Plans.

I’ve written a PowerShell one-line script fix for Windows environment with straight forward logic, The same logic can also be easily implemented to any CDN based game.

If you would like to add this fix to Mudfish Windows client,

When VPN Interface is Up:
powershell.exe -Command " [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses({clientpatch.aws.blue-protocol.com}).IPAddressToString | ForEach-Object {Route add $_ ((route -4 print 0.*).split() | where {$_} | Select-String '' -Context 2 | ForEach-Object {$_.Line; $_.Context.PostContext[1]} | Select -Index 1)} "

When VPN is Down:
powershell.exe -Command " [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses({clientpatch.aws.blue-protocol.com}).IPAddressToString | ForEach-Object {Route delete $_ ((route -4 print 0.*).split() | where {$_} | Select-String '' -Context 2 | ForEach-Object {$_.Line; $_.Context.PostContext[1]} | Select -Index 1)} "

It simply queries the domain using default DNS, then add all results to Routing Table pointing to the Primary LAN Gateway, hence all game download traffic will be bypassing Mudfish VPN tunnel.


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