Using multiple network interface

Hello, is it possible to set mudfish running on specific interface?
I have 2 network on my PC, 1 LAN, 1 Wi-Fi, Since LAN Connection is being used by multiple users, my plan is just use this LAN for Browsing activity, and Wi-Fi for gaming(4G Modem) and Mudfish will connect through Wi-Fi interface and proxy all game automatically, since my game mostly support WFP Item Mode.

Could you please send me Problem Report while your two NICs are up? I need to check the internal logs whether it’s possible or not.

Mudfish uses “default gateway” of the system to communicate with mudfish nodes. So the important thing is what’s the default gateway is on your system.

There is no problem, all I want to know if possible to make mudfish use Wi-Fi network on my PC instead default one Ethernet.
Something like this, I have 2 network connected to my PC, one is from Ethernet[](Default and mudfish will always connect using this network), and the other one from Wi-Fi[](This network that I want mudfish to use, from Wi-Fi interface)

Thank you for your screenshot. I understood. As mentioned in the previous comment, Mudfish uses “default gateway / network” as default. And unfortunately, there’s no option for this purpose yet. :frowning:

To follow up your feature request, I created an internal JIRA ticket for record. I’ll try to work on it when I get a chance.

Oh cool, looking forward to this feature get implemented.

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