Valorant WFP mode issue

Valorant is not working with wfp enabled. It will kick/disconnect from the server within 2-3mins

If i play valorant on only item based it works without issues but if i add item based + wfp item mode its not stable and disconnects me from the server. Any fix for this?

I have the exact same issue, I bought this because I thought it would be good, and it does get my ping reduced, but i get kicked every minute, so its impossible to use it.

You say its not working with wfp enabled, does that mean you got it to work stable with wfp disabled?

yea, if i just use it as game item and in the Exception rule i keep Exclude web traffic on its working fine. Also i stream valorant but on youtube not twitch and playing it on stream i havent lost any extra data

I see ,well actually this thread helped me. I want to use it only for valorant, but i had WFP enabled and I tried every node, every option, always get kicked out after a minute, i just disabled wfp and it works perfect no, no drops

same same, without wfp working perfectly just switched on a setting in the exception maybe that will help me

:slight_smile: Good to hear that at least it’s working fine with disabling WFP Item mode. With my current research, this issue is triggered by the security module of the game client. It looks like it doesn’t like a filter in WFP (Windows Filtering Platform).

So switching on the Exclude web traffic rule in the setup>program tab is more than enough with WFP disabled to not face the credit issue?

@rite2ace Frankly speaking “enabling Exclude web traffic” option isn’t enough not to face the credit issue in my opinion because it only excludes the web traffcs (HTTP / HTTPS).

For example, if you watch the streaming which doesn’t rely on HTTP protocol, you could encounter this issue again unfortunately.

are you working on a solution to fix WFP mode for valorant?

@rite2ace At this moment, it’s still on the pending queue. :frowning: I’ll try to work on it when I get a chance.

Okie please update me here once its fixed from your side so i can try it out and let you know