관리자 실행, 방화벽, 드라이버 확인, 런처 실행여부, TCP 8282 열린거 확인하고 계속해서 인터넷 브라우저로 접속 시도했지만 TAP 이더넷이 연결되지 않았다고 뜹니다.stdout 에는 딱 3줄이 있는데… 1줄은 .conf 열기 실패, 2줄은 8282 포트 열림, 3줄은 브라우저 종류 3 이라고 적혀있네요.
음… 드문 경유인데요, 혹시 현재 사용하고 계신 백신 프로그램이나 개인 방화벽 프로그램들이 있는지요? 간혹 이런 류의 프로그램이 localhost 의 특정 포트로 접근을 제한하는 경우가 있습니다.
아… 이거도 해결했습니다 ㅋㅋ about:config 에서 Localhost 루프백 허용 체크하니 이제 잘되네요. 최근에 윈도10 1703 버전으로 올라오면서 보안문제로 풀렸나봅니다.
Please download and install latest Mudfish at
then try to Create Custom
as refer Unsupported
Take a look and find the daemon process what you want to apply
Mudfish in Status → Memory
Then create a Custom Item as input the process name
Packet Capture with
link while playing the game with Full VPN
We need some packets to update a Mudfish
Thank you for the response!
I didn’t really understand how to do the 1st method, but I did the second one and uploaded the packets. Please let me know if I did it correctly or if you need more from me in to fix this?
Please check my answer at the previous topic.
Some items in Mudfish has conflict with services
on AWS like twitch so they would affected by your network access even
without Full VPN
Amazon EC2, Twitch and
As workaround, you can try to Create Custom
as refer Unsupported
Take a look and find the daemon process what you want to apply
Mudfish in Status → Memory
Then create a Custom Item as input the process name like
Where or how do I create a Custom Item?
- Turns on Expert Mode with visiting
‘Setup → Account’ menu.
- Moves to ‘Item → Manage Items’ menu.
At there, you can see button.
It shows ‘Item Add’ menu
- Please see the title and description for details. Please check the
help text on the page.
Please fill the routing table. Currently Mudfish supports three types
of destination information: -
If you know the destination's IP, you can put it based on CIDR syntax. For example:
For example, you can put "www.google.com" or "www.mudfish.net" domains as the destination information. Then mudfish core programs try to resolve it to IP address and register it based on CIDR /24
Process Name
> From Windows 8+ and mudfish v4.5.1+ Mudfish package is shipping > MUDWFP (Windows Filtering Platform) driver with the installer. You can redirect the traffics based on per-process basis. For example, if you put "P:firefox.exe" entry, then it'll try to redirect the traffics from firefox.exe processes.
“RTT Check” is a optional but if you’d like to see RTT information
between your desktop and game servers via Mudfish nodes please
add a destination using ICMP protocol * When you create your item, you should restart Mudfish at least once.