Warzone 2 Servers - With Packet Dump

Hi guys,

I had posted about this a few months ago, but I had to travel and didn’t follow up your response. Back to gaming now, so reposting again. Please help!

Packet dump is available at: Packet dump - Problem Report - Mudfish Forum

Please let me know if you need more packet dumps.
Hope you add some servers soon!

"Hi guys,

I used Mudfish originally for MW2019 and it had many servers. Though some minor problems, mudfish worked well.
Recently I switched to Warzone 2, but I see very few servers. Only 3 countries are available, all of which are very far. In MW2019, I could connect to Singapore server and that was fine. Now there is only US and Europe. Why? I’m sure this game has many servers. I’m pretty sure there is one in India because I get low ping. But I get packet bursts, and that is where mudfish helped in MW2019 with Singapore server.

So please could you please add more servers? I am from India. If you could add a server for India, I’d be happy to recommend to my friends because they also have issues with the game here. I think there is a game server in Mumbai.

I had created a private support ticket but got no response so I thought I should post here. If I have to send you any data please let me know. Thanks!"

I’d left my answer on the packet dump topic you uploaded at Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile: You can find your topics at https://mudfish.net/forums/iwrote link.

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