What can cause high RTT std.? 

What can cause high RTT std.? AU Oceania (Sydney - Google) this node keeps getting high RTT and its the only one that gives me the best connection to the game.For the past month using mudfish I never encounter problems until last week and now. btw the other nodes gives around 600 ping and the AU Oceania (Sydney - Google) is the only node that is playable but lately im keep getting high rtt std.
Game: Maplestory 2

PS: high rtt std always occur during night around 6-7pm and it will continue till around 3am sometimes till 10am GMT+ 8:00 timezone

No perfect answer for this question because it’s very vary depending on
which ISP you’re using or how is the international cable condition good.

Working Mudfish VPN depends on nodes’ condition so only I can say is keep try to choose the best node.

Maybe network congestion increased at night.

Is this all the node that will be available for this game and on this server or there will be new ones in the future?

We’re trying to expand no. of mudfish nodes continually but it’s not fast enough. So yes currently some of limited mudfish nodes are available at your location.

http://status.vocus.com.au/view-incident.aspx?IncidentID=470 Is this the reason why almost all nodes to AU for maplestory 2 is bad atm?

We suspect, so maybe yes

