What happened to all the SG no

What happened to all the SG nodes? I was getting 80ms to them before, now its in the 200s???

Please try to enable FastConnect mode

Its even worse with fastconnect - 400ms


Please try to pick a node by yourself

tried that. they are all 200+ just to ping the node. the used to be 80. also ive spoken to other aussies and i am not the only one with this same problem. its only the SG nodes that have high ping. I have better ping to Japan than I do Singapore…

If you have better latency to Japan than Singapore, you can also consider to use the advanced mode to through 2 nodes


These are the lowest ping SG nodes i can find


i have used basic and advanced, tried choosing nodes

and this is what i get to JP nodes


We’re guessing something is gone wrong with SEA cable

