Whats happen to mudfish? my eq

Whats happen to mudfish? my equipped item (final Fantasy) has gone and now the only available option is Pay Per Traffic in black desert!When i try to equip Final Fantasy again the only avaliable is pay per traffic!

And there is only one avaliable node to pick up!

Are you finding the menu to change your Data Plan?

yes but i didnt change it! why it change by itself?

:-( When I checked your configuration history, it seems you tried to change the data plan at 6/11/2019. Mudfish doesn't change the user's data plan automatically. I'd reset the changable date for your account so if you want to change I think you can do it now.

tbh, when i login at the day i opened the ticket, my game just gone (ff xiv) and my plan was changed for Pay Per Traffic, i know it doesnt change itself, but look realy weird. can you check when i change from sub to ppt?

As mentioned at the previous comment, it seems it happened at 6/11/2019. However please let me know if your paid game item was also gone and lost some of mudfish credits due to this issue. I think I can restore your credits if it's.

Yes, my paid game has lost and gone! and due this issue, i spent my Mudfish credit, if u can restore it would be great!


:-) No problem. I'd restored your mudfish credits little bit. Please check and let me know if there's something wrong.