Sorry for belated response.
However please don’t add another comment after leaving a comment because it’s bumped up to the top meaning that your priority to get a answer got reset. I think it’s a reason why I missed your posts.
Btw, how does your subscription-based plan work? Is this correct? “You
can equip the game item you’d like to use at fixed price (at this moment
990 KRW per an item) for 1 month.”
Did you check Data Plans? Yes it’s correct.
I checked and for some reason I can only pick the nodes which have “PBE” in them which are only 2…
Did you try to use Full VPN mode? Or from Custom item? At least you must equip one item paid. Without equipping a paid item, it’s not possible to use.
Kindly reply asap since the subscription time is still counting down without me even picking a node.
I think I’d changed your data plan to PPT. So if you’d like to change Subscription again, please remember above my comments.