when I start a custom game the loading screen is black and cannot connect
It’s League of Legends Philippines from Garena. I just did a custom game to test out the ping. Without using full vpn mode it just becomes a black screen and says unable to connect to the server. But if I use the full vpn mode everything is fine. Ok I will try that one and I’ll send you the result :)
Okay. But now I’m getting high ping with delays. I was using PH Asia ETPI node for the Philippines because that was the fastest, even now compared to the other two (PH Asia IPVG and PH Asia IPVG V2 I get over 400 ping using this) but I get over 300 ping now unlike earlier this week when I started using mudfish I get 150-155 ping which was fantastic because there was no lag at all.
Thank you for sending the packet dump. I’d updated the game item now. Please test and let me know if it doesn’t work properly.
Yes. So even if there are nodes that have lower ping I can’t use it. PH Asia node was fine before the increase in RTT happened.
Then did you try to use the advanced node mode using 2 mudfish nodes too?
Do you mean that both tests didn’t be helpful for you? If it works properly, at least it should be okay to access the game whatever the ping value is.
full vpn 모드를 종량제로 바꾼뒤에 사용중입니다.풀버전 vpn모드에서 중계서버를 검색했을땐 RTT가 20~30이였는데아이템에선 70정도가 뜨는이유가 무엇인가요?
음… 제가 제대로 이해를 못하겠습니다. ㅠ.ㅠ Full VPN 모드에서 중계 서버 검색을 했을 때 RTT 는 ‘xspeedy’ 님의 컴퓨터와 미꾸라지 중계 서버간의 RTT 를 나타냅니다. 즉, 미꾸라지 중계 서버와 게임 서버간의 RTT 는 빠져 있는 상태인데요, 아이템의 경우 이 전체 구간을 모두 합한 값을 표시해 주고 있습니다.