When will indonesia node fixed

When will indonesia node fixed? all 3 nodes are bad, CLDREU and Sukabumi got packet loss, and serverkeren really high ping. So sad no support for Indonesian user :frowning:

Sorry for this inconvenience. :frowning: However I’m not sure how your connection could be stable because when I checked your RTT information, it seems your ISP also has an issue to the international line. Did you check your ISP too?

Only an option I can suggest is that leasing more indonesia servers for mudfish nodes. I’ll try to lease more again.

Yeah my isp is having problem with international connection since last month so I used mudfish route, but since last week the node really unstable sometimes packet loss / high ping / normal between that 3. Tonight the sukabumi is perfect, cldreu packet loss, serverkeren high ping :frowning:

처리해 드렸습니다. :slight_smile: 확인해보시고 문제가 있으시면 언제든지 답글 부탁드립니다.

음… 혹시 패킷 덤프를 진행하실 때 게임 또한 진행하신 것이 맞으신가요? 제가 알기로 롤의 경우 UDP 기반 게임으로 알고 있는데요, 먼가 게임 패킷으로 생각이 되는 부분이 적습니다. ㅠ.ㅠ