Whenever I use mudfish for som

Whenever I use mudfish for some time(unable to reproduce the problem, might be random) I am unable to browse(both firefox and chrome) Because of that I am not able to do anything to, most of the time refreshing it will just lead me to a blank page or a time out. I can still continue to play online games(ragnarok online in particular) without getting disconnected. Latency remains low in game which means mudfish is still working.

I tried using google dns in lan adapter and tap-win32 adapter 9 thinking it might be a dns problem but same thing still happens.I also tried disable then enable after, it now says the lan adapter has no internet access. Only way for me to be able to browse again is to restart the computer.

I might try Full VPN again but last time I tried that I am not able to browse(time out) not even google.com works. Similar to the problem above.

I have a similar problem. No solution yet.

I thought I manage to partially fix this yesterday, well it happened again today. When I said partially websites only leads to time out but was still able to ping google.com and access Logging out and terminating mudfish launcher doesn’t restore browsing though, still need to restart my computer.

I actually like the pay per traffic mudfish offers since I only need it for mmo’s, but losing the ability to browse is not good for me. I needed to buy credits to test because I was not able to select nodes. I’m starting to have regrets now. I didn’t encounter this problem with other vpns on free trials and mudfish is the first one I used my money.

And it happened again so I restarted my computer. Then I run mudfish, log in and only browse for a minute or two. Then I left my computer because of dinner. After that(about 15-30 minutes) I came back and I can’t browse again, I didn’t touch it while I was eating. This is so random, I can’t reproduce it.

Very weird… Did you check ‘Status -> Process’ menu to see the core logs? Please check there’s error or warning messages at there.

Guess I’m lucky It didn’t happen yet today(yay?) but there’s two errors in the logs right now MUDEC_00079 and MUDEC_00282. I’ve lowered mtu of tap-win32 adapter 9 and here in mudfish to 1421 3rd-4th time this happened, thinking of lowering it further.

So this happened again 2-3 hours ago while I was playing and I barely browsed. No way for me to check the logs when this problem occurs.

Edit: It’s second time for today.

Umm… Then did you try to change Connection Protocols to another? Not sure why but it seems it failed to connect to our master server by unexpected reason.

I’m currently using TCP (Port 10006) for a while now. I did try the other TCP ports previously and it still occurs. If I use UDP ports I get disconnected in-game after my character is about to load. I did read somewhere here that Ragnarok Online uses TCP, can’t remember the reason though.

Same problem. I can’t browse anything my internet is literally disconnected.

Did you check ‘Status -> Process’ menu to see the core logs? Please check there’s error or warning messages at there when your issue happens again.

Guess I was a fool for believing it’s fixed since it didn’t occur for a
few days now, well it’s here again. As usual can’t see core logs once
I’m not able to browse anymore.


[323.564168] [INFO] MUDEC_00079: Failed to connect the master server ODR_ETIMEDOUT

[323.626569] [INFO] MUDEC_00169: Failed to receive information from the master server: 0 ODR_ETIMEDOUT

[383.843674] [INFO] MUDEC_00079: Failed to connect the master server ODR_ETIMEDOUT

[383.952875] [INFO] MUDEC_00282: Failed to receive heartbeat resp 0

I always see those errors few minutes after running mudfish but I am still able to browse.

Weird… As mentioned at your logs, it means there’s a problem to communicate between your desktop and mudfish master server (login server) but I don’t know why because ODR_ETIMEDOUT means your OS doesn’t do anything while mudfish waits the response. It could be caused by various reason.

Did you try to do ‘winsock reset’ at http://forum.thewindowsclub.com/windows-tips-tutorials-articles/35087-how-reset-winsock-windows-10-8-7-a.html link?

I did winsock reset as suggested, guess we’ll see if this solved the problem.

Edit: Still the same, happened 2 times since winsock reset.