Why is it always stuck 47%?

Why is it always stuck 47%?

MUDEC_00044 和MUDEC_00045 ?


Private Network test: KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC)

Performs the private network test against KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC). If you encounter this issue, please see below t401 section for solutions.


Private Network test: JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank)

Performas the private network test against JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank).

If this marked as X, please check the following items:

  • Sometimes MUDEC_00044 and MUDEC_00045 error codes causes this issue too. It means that your operating system isn't ready to pass packets to mudfish though mudfish is already ready to receive.

  • Make sure that JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank) node is alive. VPN Server status link is for you.
  • Make sure that above t100 (Core proces is ready) is marked as OK. If it's not marked as OK, these tests could also be failed.


  • Please try to attach or detach capital `-I` option

Auto configuration gets stuck at 10%