Why ping for Blade and Soul Dallas suddenly poor the last few days?
Used to get 200-220, now 260-280
It seems worse than not using MudFish at all
I’m getting multiple feedbacks of Blade and Soul regarding to RTT information. Did you try to specify a mudfish node based on FAQ - Nodes link rather than using ‘Auto Selection’ mode?
same here, when i check for nodes lowest seems to be 900 LOL. It is like that for 1,5 days.
In your Mudfish launcher shortcut (make one on the desktop) edit the properties and in the command line use -I at the end of the " "s
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe” -I
Give it a try
Aaand I spoke to soon.It’s bad lag again, though it shows ~200ms ping
Hi Loxch, any update on this?
Please try to check ‘Status -> Process’ menu to see the core logs. And let me know if there’s warning or error messages on it.
[0.000000] [INFO] mudfish v4.4.6 (for i386)
[0.000000] [INFO] Timestamp: Tue Jan 16 17:30:20 2018
[0.000000] [INFO] Connection protocol: udp_dns
[0.000000] [INFO] Authenticating…
[0.671930] [INFO] Fetching the static nodes…
[7.797626] [ERROR] MUDEC_00016: Failed to receive information from the master server for MS record: -1 10060 ODR_ETIMEDOUT
[7.797626] [ERROR] MUDEC_00320: Failed to fetch the static node information.
Empty file.
I’ve also tried changing the connection protocol.Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t
Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it?
Are you under the network firewall? Not sure it’s but please check Firewall Issues section and try to use -O
or -t
options. Or you can try to do ‘winsock reset’
I think it has a firewall considering since it is a university wifi, but sometimes I can connect, sometimes I cannot. I’ve done the winsock reset already, using the -O or -T won’t let me sign in to mudfish. It will always say “successfully logged out”.
Please make sure that it’s small -t
option. I don’t think -T
option works for you because it’s invalid one.