World of Tanks Asia server mov

World of Tanks Asia server moved to Honkong!
Please update!

It’d updated. :slight_smile:

World of tanks server has moved agian pls update:

Host Name:

i Wireshark traced it too β€œ13.215.137.152” it is now in Singapore

@itztrax1 @Ultrasonic2 I updated the game item. When you get a chance, please test.

However a bad news is that the game server is at Amazon AWS. :frowning: It means you could encounter Amazon EC2, Twitch and Mudfish issue while playing this game now. Please check when you get a chance.

yes it is working now

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The asia server has changed ip too could you add this one also as the servers seem to bounce around a bit.

@Ultrasonic2 I think IP should be handled already by World Of Tank game item if I know correctly.

So in my opinion, your issue might be different one.