Wtf VPN is absolutely fucked

Wtf VPN is absolutely fucked

:frowning: Sorry for the inconvenience while using Mudfish. However to solve your issue, I need more information what’s your issue. Could you please elaborate more for me?

And please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s a first thing you should test.

most of the nodes are -1 average wtf

most of the nodes are -1 average wtf

It means that by unexpected reason it failed to calculate RTT value between your desktop and mudfish node. :frowning: However could you please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine again?

yeah it works

Okay. If it says it works it means Mudfish is redirecting your traffics properly. However is it still -1 avergage while mudfish seems work?

yeh it works if its -1 but i feel like im getting a pretty high ping regardless

nvm just tried a node 430 ping

Thank you for sending this packet dump. However I can't see new game server IP information with this. Could you please send me another packet dump if possible?

Tried uploading packet dump but always an error uploading it

I already have the latest version

ㅠ.ㅠ 맞습니다. 현재 미꾸라지의 경우, 일정 횟수 이상 계속 ID / PWD 입력이 틀릴 경우 1 시간 penalty 로 IP 자체가 차단되게 됩니다. 1 시간 후에는 자동으로 차단 해제가 되지 참고 바랍니다.

Will there be future upgrades for routers?

FastConnect mode won't show you the Real-Time RTT by its characteristics. Caveat

The FastConnect mode is a kind of application using Varnish

I think you should equip a Mudfish Item or turn Full VPN mode on.

아이디를 로그아웃 했다가 재 로그인 하니 해결되었습니다.

Please Logout then Sign In without Remember Me(auto-login) then Remember Me function will work again

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