Could Someone Guide me in Managing The Mudfish Connection Dropouts and Frequency Increases?

Hello everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have been using The mudfish for a while now; mostly to improve my online gameplay. although it functions well most of the time; I have been having some serious problems recently with performance increases and random connection drops. I want to reach you to ask if you have any suggestions and know of any solutions for these kinds of problems.

  • The setup is Internet service provider: Comcast
  • Hardware: Personal Computer
  • Windows 10 is the operating system.
  • League of Legends is a game

I am using a wired connection.I think the problem is unique to my mudfish setup because it does not affect other internet activities like browsing the internet and video streaming. During busy hours; I have found that there are more lag spikes and connection failures.

I am suffering from random speed increases when I play games. The games sometimes end up becoming unsolvable due to these increases. suddenly; the response time can increase from consistently low 50 ms to more than 200 ms. While random; this problem occurs frequently enough to be problematic.

Every now and again; my connection completely disappears for some time. It results in a disconnect from the game servers, which is particularly problematic when the game is close to terminating. During a gaming session; these drops happen at least twice.

I have tried switching between nodes in an effort to create a more reliable connection; but the problem remains on several nodes.

I tried the Full Wifi Setup in an attempt to see if it could help maintain the connection; :magnet: but it had no apparent impact.

When I called my internet service provider to see if there were any problems on their end; they verified that everything was operating as it should.

I frequently restarted the internet connection in an attempt to fix the problem, but it provided minimal; if any, short term relief.

I checked to see if the game servers were downward, but it appears that Iโ€™m the one having trouble because my friends who are on the same server donโ€™t seem to be having any problems.

  • Which ones have been shown to be more dependable for users in my area?
  • Is there a Mudfish setup and variable that might be suggested to reduce these lags, increases, and connectivity drops?
  • Could Mudfish be affected by any background apps and settings on my device?
  • Can I use any testing features and reports in Mudfish to help me better understand and solve this problem?

Also I explored some topics related to this but I did not get the sufficient solution of my query so I would really want to get some help from a more experienced person.

I would like to be greatly appreciative of any kind of help. :hugs: :hugs: I look forward to collecting knowledge from your experiences person

Thanks in advance for your help :slightly_smiling_face:

@Jazlyn Is Jazlyn mudfish ID youโ€™re using? I tried to check some RTT information associated with your account but no details.

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