High Ping Issue with IN Mumbai Node for BGMI (PUBG’s Indian Version)

Subject: High Ping Issue with IN Mumbai Node for BGMI (PUBG’s Indian Version)

Dear Mudfish Support Team,

I am writing to bring to your attention a persistent issue I have been experiencing with the Mudfish VPN service over the last few days.

I have noticed that the ping for the IN Mumbai nodes, when playing BGMI (Pubg India Version), has consistently been above 200ms. This high ping is causing significant inconvenience and negatively impacting my gaming experience. Despite trying different IN nodes, the situation remains unchanged.

Could you please investigate and address this issue as soon as possible? If necessary, kindly update the app or nodes to resolve the problem. I would appreciate it if you could bring back the MS/ Ping to the 20-40ms range as it was before.

Additionally, please let me know if there are any changes I should make to my Mudfish settings to improve the situation.

Thank you for your assistance.

Thank you.

For please check No support for BGMI - #13 by weongyo link to see my answer for this issue. At least this issue isn’t from Mudfish and more related to the routing change of server provider.

However if you’re using iOS, :frowning: there’s no a workaround because there’s no multi-path mode support for iOS app… Let me check the code a little bit more whether I can make a workaround for this issue for iOS users.

Thank you for your response. I understand that the issue is related to the routing change of the server provider rather than Mudfish itself. However, as an iOS user, the lack of multi-path mode support is causing significant inconvenience.

Could you please provide a solution or workaround for iOS users in the meantime? This issue is severely affecting the usability of your service for those of us on iOS.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Please allow me around a week to implement a feature “advanced mode” than “multi-path mode”. Due to lack of iOS support, it seems we can’t support “multi-path mode”.

Instead, it seems like I can try to implement the advanced mode which uses two mudfish nodes chained together. :slight_smile:

Thank you for considering the alternative approach. I believe implementing the “advanced mode,” which uses two Mudfish nodes chained together, is a great idea. I think this approach will work effectively. I hope it will result in lower ping and more stable MS, resolving the issues iOS users are currently facing.

Thank you

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I wanted to follow up on our previous discussion regarding the implementation of the “advanced mode” with two Mudfish nodes chained together.
I’m still experiencing the same issues. The ping / MS are not consistent and continue to fluctuate.

Could you please provide an update on the status of the advanced mode implementation? I believe it has the potential to help achieve a lower and more stable ping especially for iOS users.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.

Bro I think now the Mumbai server is good because I was using till now in BGMI the ping was around 40 to 80 ms

I have noticed some improvement with the Mumbai server, but I am still facing the issue of inconsistent ping. It sometimes spikes above 120 ms, unlike before. Based on mudfish suggestion @weongyo , I believe that using the advanced mode might help resolve this issue and bring the ping back to a stable 20 to 40 ms, especially for iOS users.

@weongyo , Please Could you please provide an update on the implementation of the advanced mode for iOS users?

Thank you

@Nijas :slight_smile: It’s almost ready. Unless there’s a bug found while testing the app, I’ll try to submit the new release by end of this week.

Thank you for your patience.

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