Final Fantasy 14 cannot login on Linux

On Arch Linux and I’m using XIVLauncher。

Without mudfish I can login just fine.

With mudfish connected I cannot login at all. Strangely though even in full VPN mode i cannot login, even though I can browse the web like normal in full VPN mode. (and I’ve checked basic functionality in full VPN mode here How to check the basic functionality · MUDFISH and it works fine)

Without full VPN mode i had to follow the steps here

For the VPN to connect (by removing a default route) however I can’t login regardless even though I can browse the web like normal…

Neither XIVLauncher’s native Linux version nor Windows version running under wine would allow me to login.

Could you please send me Problem Report while this issue is happening? I need to check the internal logs.

Or if Full VPN mode works fine, you can try to change Connection Protocols to TCP based and test. It seems we need to check that this issue is MTU (Maximum_transmission_unit) issue on your box.


Full VPN only works for that mudfish website to check connections, does not work for the launcher.

Note that the actual game works fine. I was getting around this by logging in to the game without VPN turned on, then turn on the VPN, and logging in to my character after. It’s a bit weird let’s just say.

@zane0029 I’d checked your problem report but no clue for this issue because it seems the problem report is fine and no special issue found from your problem report…

Did you try to change the connection protocol to another one?

Hi, I tried changing the connection protocol but it seems to result in the VPN not working for the game entirely. The Ping plugin shows a server IP address that is not in the routing table added by Mudfish at all.

I’m also having issue with ACT crashing when Mudfish is enabled on Linux. This one is actually more annoying and I may just switch back to Windows for now.

Thanks for all the help!

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