Hey everyone,
I’m new to Mudfish and trying to set it up for better ping in online games, but I’m a bit confused with the settings.
Here are my questions:
Should I use Full VPN mode or just select the game item: ?? Which one is better for performance: ??
How do I find the best Mudfish node for my game: ?? Is there a way to test different nodes efficiently: ??
Does Mudfish automatically adjust the best route, or do I need to manually tweak it for the lowest ping: ??
Any specific settings that worked well for others using Mudfish: ??
I would really appreciate any advice from experienced users !! I have also searched on the forum for the solution related to my query and found this thread https://forums.mudfish.net/t/no-change-in-ping-after-using-mudfish-same-ping-as-isp-react-native but couldn’t get enough solution.
Thanks in advance.
Looking forward to your responses !!