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Do you think there will be an Argentina Server located in Buenos Aires or something relative close, like, Uruguay?

I hope so. :slight_smile: When I get a chance, I’ll try to deploy new mudfish nodes at there though it seems there are few providers. Thank you for your feedback.

Yeah, but suposedly according to what wtfast says, and how it feels, I connect to a server in chile->florida 2 and I get an avg of 130ish to 145 to the Blade and soul server. Thats why I was asking if you were gonna implement a server here so I could try to do something similar. i tried with the one in Brazil but the result was bad :(. also it would be awesome if we could see how much the first server we choose pings to the second one, that could help when choosing nodes.

Will do, thank you.

the "CL South America (Curico - ZAM)"seems to be laggin for me, it gives me a bad latency.

Yes I checked :frowning: though I expected this node could helpful for you. The program was that a RTT between your desktop and “CL South America (Curico - ZAM)” node is pretty high though RTT between “CL South America (Curico - ZAM)” and US eas is around 110 ms. I should look for other south america nodes. Thank you for your feedback!

No, Thank you for your answers, best dev I’ve ever met.

I have no idea what are you talking about but, it’s fixed :) Thank you, you’re awesome!

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[61.168459] [ERROR] MUDEC_00045: The client doesn’t response with DHCP protocol   
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